Mine the Harvest

Seattle Based netcat Loadable Kernel Module Album

by on May.01, 2014, under Linux, Music

Okay, all my computer+music friends this is kind of cool.

In addition to other formats (like high-bias cassette tape – lol) the Seattle based group netcat has released their latest album as a loadable kernel module. Yeah.


Compile and load the module which creates /dev/netcat which can be piped it to an audio app. Track info displayed in dmesg.


The midishark repo is pretty cool too:
“Transforms wireshark network output into MIDI output. Allows for custom parsers and transformers.”

I had no difficulty compiling on a box with 12G, but it did crap out on a 4GB system – as mentioned on the git page it does seem to need a lot of memory to compile.

Interestingly, Greg Kroah-Hartman contributed several pull requests to help clean up for adhearence to kernel module coding standards. Whoa – that’s pretty awesome:


Descriptions of the tracks available at:
“The second component is a generative Markov model of phoneme sequences derived from Wikipedia and a collection of scientific papers*. We use the model to generate novel, incoherent speech sounds. The third component is a sentiment-aware model of statements of preference derived from peoples’ actual statements of preference on the internet*. We use the model to generate positive/negative sentiment couplets, recited in synthesized speech.”
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