Mine the Harvest


by on Feb.06, 2008, under Uncategorized


We have been enjoying the second season of Torchwood, currently playing on BBC 3 and your local bit torrent channel for everyone living outside the UK. The BBC page is here.

Torchwood is a spin off from the new (and wonderfully done) re-installment of the classic show Doctor Who. The BBC has done a completely admirable job reviving this classic sci-fi show I enjoyed so as a lad – but this post is about Torchwood – which is definitely not Doctor Who.

Torchwood: Outside the government beyond the police. The 21st century is when it all changes – so you had better be ready.


So describes Capt. Jack Harness, the leader of the Cardiff branch of Torchwood. They operate with near complete impunity, doing what they can to protect earth from one pending alien disaster to the next. Jack is a time agent from the 26th century – though he was from the WWI era originally. Time has made him a touch edgy. (Click for larger images.)

Jack Harkness

While much of Doctor Who takes place on other worlds, Torchwood focuses on Earth – with its unique population and all its flaws we as humans all have. The characters are all pretty messed up people, and their job is not exactly helping.

It is fairly violent and certainly illustrates the character flaws we as humans all have. The characters are all pretty messed up people, and their job is not exactly helping attain greater inner peace.

Torchwood Cardiff

If you like good sci-fi with a bit of a bite to it, check out Torchwood. You’ll come away realizing that your life is a lot better than it could be.

3 comments for this entry:
  1. Ally

    ins’t Jack from the 51st century- that’s what they keep saying throught the series…

  2. replyer

    Isn’t Jack Harkness from the 51. century?

  3. Me.

    Let’s be honest. You’ve got quite a bit of your information wrong within this post. Jack wasn’t originally from the WWI era; he’s from the 51st century. He returned to Earth after the Bad Wolf incident in 1899. He crosses his own time line because of The Doctor. He appears in WWI because of his Vortex Manipulator.

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