Mine the Harvest

New Fall Classes Start

by on Aug.27, 2008, under College Stuff, IT Adventures

School started this week so I am back to being very busy. I am taking four classes this semester, two in class and two on line:

Building Scalable Cisco Networks (Advanced router protocols: EIGRP, OSPF, ISIS, BPG) and IPv6. More in depth with the protocols, load balancing and designing networks for scalability.

Cisco Wireless Networking and Security

Advanced Web Site Design (Yes, some day it is possible that timelordz.com will actually have a home page, though I make no promises. WordPress, Sugar, Splunk, Torrent servers, Mediawiki, Cacti, etc. all hide happily behind that blank home page – perhaps that will change now that I can have some time to make some pages for class.)

Intro to Business

The two Cisco classes are some of the four total needed for CCNP certification, they should be pretty interesting but there is a lot of material to cover in them.

After this semester I am pretty sure I would be able to finish my degree on line if I chose to, though a few of the classes I wouldn’t mind doing on campus. But the flexibility to move if needed, etc. it very good.

Next semester I am looking at perhaps taking a PHP/MySQL class or some C programming classes, just for fun.

Syd is also taking three classes this semester. Advanced Web Designs, a Computer Technology Overview class and another Web Design / CSS class. She is doing great in her web design side projects and should have a site up soon to showcase her digital portfolio of graphics design projects she has been doing for people.

No rest for the wicked . . .

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